The Best Autonomous Drones for Agriculture

September 15, 2021


Drones have become essential tools in modern agriculture. Farmers use them for various activities, including crop mapping, soil analysis, and spraying. Autonomous drones, in particular, have been gaining popularity due to the convenience they offer.

In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the best autonomous drones for agriculture according to our research and comparisons.

DJI Agras T20

The DJI Agras T20 is a top-of-the-line drone designed for agriculture applications. It features a 20-liter tank and supports both liquid and granular spraying.

The Agras T20 uses DJI's advanced flight control system and high-precision sensors to ensure accurate spraying and efficient operations. It also has a strong wind resistance capability, allowing it to operate in harsh weather conditions.


Another popular autonomous drone for agriculture is the XAG P30. The P30 is a multi-functional drone that can support various payloads, including spraying, seeding, and mapping.

The P30 is equipped with a high-precision RTK positioning system and advanced sensors to ensure accurate and safe operations. It also features a modular design, making it easy to maintain and upgrade.

eBee SQ

The eBee SQ is a fixed-wing drone that specializes in crop mapping and analysis. It uses high-resolution cameras to capture detailed images of crops and soil, and its advanced software can turn those images into 3D models and maps.

The eBee SQ is equipped with senseFly's autopilot technology, which enables it to fly autonomously and cover large areas efficiently. It also has a long flight time of up to 55 minutes per charge.


These are some of the best autonomous drones for agriculture that we found after our research and comparisons. Each drone brings unique features and capabilities that cater to different agriculture applications.

Ultimately, the choice of an autonomous drone depends on your specific needs and requirements. We hope this blog post has given you a better idea of what's available in the market.


  1. DJI Agras T20. Retrieved from
  2. XAG P30. Retrieved from
  3. eBee SQ. Retrieved from

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